Divine Wisdom

Source: at-Tawhid, Monotheiesm, by Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi, page 90.

Divine Wisdom Source: at-Tawhid, Monotheiesm, by Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi, page 90. At the conclusion of this section, namely, the section on the clarification of At-Tawhid in the ideological system (of Islam), we pay to the discourse that all divine plannings are wise of course, great divine scholars have discussed this matter in detail and written many books, but here we just content ourselves with a simple expression. When we know Allah and come to believe that firstly: Allah is aware of every thing and his infinite knowledge encompasses all the past, present and future events; secondly: Allah is able to create any creature the way He wants to; thirdly: Allah loves good and perfection and since good and perfection are rays of the perfection of His Being and arc desired and loved by Him, He creates His creatures with great goodness and perfection; fourthly: Allah does not envy His creatures and in other words, when we believe in Allah’s knowledge, power, good-will and His being not envious, we conclude that the world has been created in the best condition of goodness, perfection and expedience and it is planned in the most possible suitable manner. The Holy Qur`an, too, explicitly points out this matter and says: الذي احسن كل شيء خلقه ... “Who made good everything chat He has created ... (32:7).” At another place the Holy Qur`an says: ... صنع اللّه الذي اتقن كل شيء ، انه خبير بما تفعلون “... The handiwork of Allah Who has made every thing thoroughly; surely He is Aware of what you do (27.88).” Allah’s handiwork is such that He has created every thing in a firm and concrete form and in the best manner and without vacuum. He has placed in creatures every thing that wisdom demands and has not rendered any stinginess and parsimony. In the face of this general principle, namely, the divine wisdom and the fact that the planning of the world and of man is in the best way, naturally, some questions may occur to individuals as to which wisdom is involved in each particular case?, though it is an undue expectation and man does not have the ability to understand and realize all secrets and wisdoms: ... و ما اوتيتم من العلم الّا قليلا “ ... And you are not given aught of knowledge but a little. (17.85).” However, Allah has generally expressed certain principles in the Holy Qur`an and on the basis of those general principles we can, with the guidance of wahy interpret many of the phenomena and discover, to the extent of our ability, the wisdoms behind them. But a faithful person, should both on the basis of logical reason and also on the basis of the verses of the Holy Qur`an, possesses this confidence that whatever happens, in any place it happens and in any form it happens, it is the demand of the wisdom of creation and that were it other than this, it would be against (divine) wisdom.


